Reabilita Cal RB (Reboco)
This is a dry mortar, exclusively formulated from natural hydraulic lime. It incorporates thoroughly selected siliceous and calcareous aggregates and additives, having particular thixotropic properties, adhesion, chemical resistance and durability specifically adapted for the intended use. REABILITA Cal Reboco is suited for sprayed application. However it can be manually applied.
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This is a dry mortar, exclusively formulated from natural hydraulic lime. It incorporates thoroughly selected siliceous and calcareous aggregates and additives, having particular thixotropic properties, adhesion, chemical resistance and durability specifically adapted for the intended use. REABILITA Cal Reboco is suited for sprayed application. However it can be manually applied.
REABILITA Cal Reboco was specially conceived for conservation and rehabilitation of buildings and is suited for coatings of old or new masonries. REABILITA Cal Reboco is applied as filling and leveling layer on old substrates consolidated with REABILITA Cal Consolidação, or directly on the substrates when these present appropriate physical and mechanic conditions. Thus, REABILITA Cal Reboco can be applied on concrete and masonries of ceramic bricks, on concrete blocks or on stone masonry.
Preparation of substrates - Substrates prepared with REABILITA Cal Consolidação are able to receive REABILITA Cal Reboco. In case of direct application on masonry substrates, these should be cohesive and clean, without any type of material affecting normal adhesion conditions.
Preparation of mortar - REABILITA Cal Reboco should be mixed in spraying equipment with product premixing. In equipment without automatic water dosing, mix REABILITA Cal Reboco, in the proportion of 4,5 to 5,0 liters of water for each bag of 25 kg. In equipment with automatic water dosing, adjust to the minimum water flow to get a good workability.
Application - For the application, use the good practices related to execution of renders of sprayed application, anticipating the tightening of the mortar, the trowel operation, the use of reinforcements with glass fiber net in stress concentration points, such as transition of substrates, span vertices, wall corners, etc., among other important cautions for the success of the application. In smooth concrete substrates proceed the same way. However you must apply immediately before an adhesion bridge using SecilTEK AD 90. It is not recommended to make layers with thicknesses above 2cm or below 1cm.
The surface of REABILITA Cal Reboco should be finished with the traditional technique of trowelling, preparing it to receive the finish layer with REABILITA Cal Acabamento. Because there are specific situations in each work of rehabilitation, we advise the talking to our Technical Sales team prior to the selection of the products.
Restrictions - REABILITA Cal Reboco should not be applied in room and substrate temperature below 5ºC and above 30ºC. It has a curing time of 28 days.
In hot and/or dry weather, or in case of substrates exposed to the direct action of solar rays, previously wet the substrate beginning the application when it looks dry. In these conditions, proceed with daily watering of the executed surfaces, for one week, to keep the renders permanently wet. In the presence of strong wind, the application may cause cracking in the render. In this case, protect the walls to minimize the effects of the wind.
Further advice
- The mixing water should be free of any impurities (clay, organic matter), and preferably drinkable;
- Do not apply any mortar that has already started the setting process. Do not weaken the mortars by adding water, after preparation;
- Do not add any other products to REABILITA Cal Reboco. It should be applied as it is presented in its original packaging.
Suitable For
- Internal Base Coat Plaster
- Masonry
- External Base Coat Render
- Masonry
Coverage Rate
- 1.7m2 at 10mm per 25kg Bag
25kg Bag