
We are able to deliver our products directly to your door, anywhere in the UK.

Alternatively you can contact our growing network of independent stockists – please see map below. It is important that you contact them directly to check on availability of our product in their store as not all stockists will carry all stock. We are sorry that you cannot place orders on this website for collection from stockists, only from our own store in Mid Wales.

We often receive and welcome requests for recommended contractors. We have a vast database of contractors that have significant experience of using our products and systems, we are happy to look up a selection of those closest to you and share their contact details (by email) however, it does not constitute a recommendation by Ty-Mawr Lime Ltd. We recommend that you undertake your own due diligence before contracting their services. Should you require assistance with this, please email tymawr@lime.org.uk or call 01874 611350. 


Distribution Network

Store List