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About Us
About Us - Who We Are
In 1993 Nigel and Joyce Gervis, founders and directors of Tŷ-Mawr Lime, purchased Tŷ-Mawr, a run-down farm in the heart of the Brecon Beacons National...
About Us - What We Do
Since establishing in 1995, Ty-Mawr Lime Ltd has made an enormous contribution to resurrecting the use of traditional building materials in Wales. We...
About Us - Our Story (Company History)
A business is born The potential for expansion was obvious and what started off as a temporary solution for a one-off renovation project soon germinated...
About Us - Our Concept & Principles
Ty-Mawr Lime Ltd has made an enormous contribution to resurrecting the use of traditional building materials in Wales and has become a market leader in...
About Us - Good, Green Things!
1. Firstly, one of our core principles, when we started the business in 1993, was to produce building materials with minimal environmental and ...
About Us - Award Winning Business
Established in 1995, by husband and wife, Nigel and Joyce Gervis, Ty-Mawr Lime Ltd has made an enormous contribution to resurrecting the use of traditional...
About Us - History of Ty-Mawr Farm
To see our guide on the the History of Tŷ-Mawr, which includes, photos, maps and artefacts found at Tŷ-Mawr please follow the link below.
Work Opportunities at Ty-Mawr Lime
Established in 1995, Ty-Mawr Lime has become a market leader in the design, manufacture and distribution of natural building materials and systems, providing...
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An Introduction to Lime
Introduction to Lime - Lime and its Production
  The Lime Cycle The lime cycle shows the stages from quarrying the limestone through to the production of mortars and plasters for...
Introduction to Lime - Lime in Buildings - A Brief History
Lime has been used as the binder in mortars, plasters, renders and paints for thousands of years. The oldest sample of lime plaster that we are aware...
Introduction to Lime - Lime - Properties
Caring for buildingsThe importance of lime mortars, plasters and paints in caring for old buildings has now been well documented, this is because...
Introduction to Lime - Types of Lime
There are many types of building lime on the market. It is crucially important to understand their differences and the way in which they perform...
Introduction to Lime - Choosing a Lime
It is important for the well-being of the building that the most appropriate lime product is chosen. Every situation needs to be carefully assessed e....
Guidance for protecting Lime work all year round
Guidance for Protecting Lime work all year round As with all good building practice using any mortars, plasters/renders and paints, protection should...
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Lime Mortar
Getting Started - What is Mortar?
Mortar is a mixture of sand or aggregate and binder (lime or cement) that is most often used to build brick or block walls. This mixture creates a workable...
Getting Started - Why use lime mortars?
Its breathable! Lime mortar is highly breathable allowing water to pass through the building thereby avoiding a build-up of moisture within the fabric...
Getting Started - Hot Mixed Mortars
Ty-Mawr’s mortars have always been manufactured as hot lime mixes.  We have perfected hot mixes over the last 20 years producing high-quality mortars...
Design - Mortar Selection
Application Type of Lime Notes Pointing Tŷ-Mawr Premixed Lime Mortar (External/Internal) The time of year and...
Design - I am trying to match the mortar on my house – it appears to be soil is this correct?
More than likely it is an earthen mortar or ‘stabilised soil’ dug straight out of the ground outside your house. This may have been mixed with some quicklime...
Design - How old is my mortar? Can you date it?
Dating mortar accurately is very difficult unless it is obviously something like a black ash mortar which was prevalent in the 19th and early 20th century...
Application - Fat Lime Mortar Application
Preparing the Mortar Do not add water - a premixed mortar when purchased may appear too dry. It must be ‘knocked-up’ (the process of chopping, beating...
Application - Hydraulic Lime Mortar Application
Preparing the mix Mix the lime and aggregate by volume (check the specification for exact mix ratio for the job or refer to the table below), measuring...
Application - Can I use a mortar gun?
We are often asked if our lime mortars can be used with a conventional pointing gun. The answer is that you can with certain machines, usually the forced...
Application - Crumbling or failing mortar
Crumbling or failing mortar can be caused by a number of reasons: Failing mortar can usually be attributed to a lack of carbonation of the lime within...
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Lime Plaster
Getting Started - What is plaster/render?
Plastering or rendering is a method of using a coating similar od sand and lime over the existing brickwork/stonework. The difference between them is ...
Getting Started - Why Use Lime Plaster/Renders?
Why choosing lime plaster/render might be the right decision for your next project: Historical Significance: Lime plaster/render has been used for ...
Getting Started - Hot Mixed Plasters/Renders
Ty-Mawr’s plasters and renders have always been manufactured as hot lime mixes.  We have perfected hot mixes over the last 20 years producing high...
Design - Plaster Selection - Internal Options onto Boards
  Base Coat Top Coat Ty-Mawr Lime Hemp Plaster 1 x 6mm Fine Hemp 1 x 6mm Fine Hemp Or 50:50 Fine Hemp : Superfine Mix Optional...
Design - Internal Plaster Options onto Lath
  Base Coat Top Coat Ty-Mawr Fat Lime Plaster 2 x 9mm BaseLime (with fibres) 1 x 3mm coat of Superfine/Woodfibre...
Design - Internal Plaster Options onto Cob
  Base Coat Top Coat Ty-Mawr Fat Lime Plaster 2 x 9mm BaseLime (with fibres) 1 x 3mm coat of Superfine/Woodfibre...
Design - Internal Plaster Options onto Masonry (Stone/Brick/Block)
Internal Plaster Options onto Masonry (Stone/Brick/Block)   Base Coat Top Coat Ty-Mawr Fat Lime Plaster 2 x 9mm...
Design - External Plaster Options onto Boards (Cork, Woodfibre & Wood Wool)
  Base Coat Top Coat  Secil Isovit Lime (Dry Hydraulic Premix) 2 x 5-6mm Isovit Lime(5mm Mesh between coats) 3mm REABILITA Cal...
Design - External Plaster Options onto Cob/Rammed Earth/ Strawbale
External Plaster Options onto Cob/Rammed Earth/ Strawbale   Base Coat Top Coat Ty-Mawr Fat Lime Plaster 2 x 9mm...
Design - External Plaster Options onto Lath
External Plaster Options onto Lath   Base Coat Top Coat Ty-Mawr Fat Lime Plaster 2 x 9mm BaseLime (with fibres) ...
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Which aggregate should I use?
We have a range of aggregates available that can be used across all applications including; pointing, plastering, rendering and screeding. We are continually...
Can I use/source my own aggregate?
Depending on the size and location of your project, supplying the aggregate from our yard in the Brecon Beacons can significantly increase the delivery...
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Guidance for protecting Lime work all year round
Guidance for Protecting Lime work all year round As with all good building practice using any mortars, plasters/renders and paints, protection should...
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A Guide to Paint & Ty-Mawr's Paint Ranges
Paint in its simplest form consists of a binder, a solvent and a pigment. The binder allows the pigment (colour) to stick to the surface, whilst the solvent...
How breathable are your paints?
Firstly the word ‘breathable’ is not very helpful as buildings don’t actually breathe! – We tend to use the term vapour permeable. Measurements of vapour...
Limewash - Getting Started - What is Limewash?
Lime work should be finished with a vapour permeable paint, traditionally this would have been a limewash. Limewash has been and is still used throughout...
Limewash - Getting Started - Can I make my own Limewash?
Can I make my own Limewash? You can make your own limewash in a number of ways: Buying our lime putty and watering down and whisking to the consistency...
Limewash - Design - Where is it suitable to use Limewash?
Please see the table below to see which surfaces are suitable and the number of coats required. If there is a background that isn’t available in the table...
Limewash - Getting Started - What is a Distemper?
What is a distemper? Distemper is a decorative paint and a historical medium for painting pictures. Distemper is an early form of limewash, used...
Limewash - Design - When is it safe to paint newly lime plastered walls?
This will depend on atmospheric conditions including ventilation, temperature and humidity as well as any background moisture within the substrate which...
Limewash - Design - What is casein, and why is it added to Limewash?
Casein is a protein found in milk, commonly used in various applications such as adhesives, paints, and even in some food products. Casein is added to...
Limewash - Design - What is shelter coat and why would you use it?
A shelter coat limewash is a specialized type of limewash, that contains a fine aggregate, that is applied as a protective layer over an existing limewash...
Limewash - Design - Why would you add linseed oil to Limewash?
Linseed oil is often added to the final limewash coat for several reasons, primarily to enhance its durability, water resistance, and adhesion to surfaces...
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Boards & Insulation
How do I insulate solid walls?
There are essentially two methods of insulating solid walls: Externally Internally External Solid Wall Insulation (EWI) This is installed from the outside...
What are the general advantages of Natural Wool Insulation over Glass or Mineral Fibre Quilt products?
The general advantages of wool insulation against glass or mineral fibre quilt products would be:- Environmental issues, using a renewable resource to...
Solid Wall Insulation FAQs
How do solid walls work? Solid walls are designed to enable moisture to be readily exchanged with the indoor and outdoor environments. Therefore when ...
What is a U-value?
The U-value of a wall is a measure of the rate at which heat passes through the wall and so is a measure of how well insulated the wall is. it is expressed...
I need help with Retrofit Insulation solutions for Solid Wall Buildings.
In the UK, 1 in 4 of our homes are classed as 'old' and are primarily 'solid' wall construction. Approximately 45 of the heat loss of an uninsulated solid...
Help choosing the correct woodfibre board
Choosing a Board Schneider Board Application Brief Description Wall 180 External Walls External Wall Insulation for Timber Frame Constructions (Suitable...
Why is there the amount of packaging on our insulation?
Why is there the amount of packaging on our insulation?   Plastic is necessary for packing quilted natural insulation. At present there is no alternative...
Why is there so much packaging on our wool insulation?
Plastic is necessary for packing quilted natural insulation.  At present there is no alternative material available that provides adequate protection...
Where does your wool comes from, and what conditions the sheep are kept in?
“All the wool used in Thermafleece comes from British flocks. They are registered British Wool licensees. All wool is purchased through the British...
I have a small quantity of wool can I use this to make insulation?
We are often asked if locally produced small quantities of wool can be treated and processed by Ty-Mawr and its suppliers to produce Insulation? The manufacturer...
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sublime® Insulated Limecrete Floor
Getting Started - History of the Sublime® Insulated Limecrete Floor
Our original motivation in the mid-1990s was to develop a flooring system to replace the earth and broken flagstone floor in our Georgian kitchen. We ...
Getting Started - What is the Sublime Floor?
Tŷ-Mawr’s Sublime® floor system was designed with solid wall construction in mind, to mitigate the risks that are created when a damp proof membrane...
Getting Started - What is limecrete made from?
Limecrete has three main components, Limecrete binder, aggregate and screed fibres, the mix ratio is 3 to 1 (3:1) by volume, with 3 parts aggregate to...
Getting Started - Benefits of the Sublime® Insulated Limecrete Floor
Coming soon...
Getting Started - Advantages of Limecrete vs Concrete
The Limecrete slab (having a more open pore structure on a molecular level than concrete) can also provide a buffer to moisture vapour. The thickness...
Getting Started - What does “Breathable” mean in a Limecrete floor?
The breathability of a limecrete slab is often misunderstood in how it relates to the performance of the slab within a building. The Limecrete does allow...
Getting Started - Why should I use a Ty-Mawr sublime® insulated floor?
Tŷ-Mawr has been designing and supplying floors since 1999. Thousands of floors have been supplied for everything from humble cottages to churches and...
Design - What are the depths of each layer?
The minimum overall depth of the Sublime floor system is 250mm, built up from 150mm Glapor and 100mm Limecrete. The Glapor minimum depth of 150mm is ...
Design - Can Limecrete be used with a damp proof membrane?
Coming soon...
Design - Components of the Sublime Insulated Limecrete Floor
The Sublime floor has a number of different layers and components all intended for a specific purpose, in the Video below our Technical Director Nigel...
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