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Relevant Organisations

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 ABC Twyi Centre Contractor Direcotry - WTBF Green Homes Grant

ABC has been working for 13 years to see derelict vernacular buildings in Wales considerately and creatively revived to serve the communities that they are a part of and that they belong to.  Our vision has been to link communities with their built heritage; culture and identity with environmental sustainability; traditional building skills with employment and rural regeneration.

ABC has made great strides to achieve its vision, but it is now time for another organisation to take on this mantle.

ABC will be closing down at the end of 2021.

"We promote the care and repair of the old buildings of West Wales through providing information, training and support to homeowners, builders, agents and building professionals." "This Group promotes the development of traditional building skills and sustainability issues relating to all old buildings across Wales.  We provide support through educational events, advocacy on national construction committees and sharing information."

"If you’re a homeowner or residential landlord you can apply for a Green Homes Grant voucher towards the cost of installing energy efficient improvements to your home.

Improvements could include insulating your home to reduce your energy use or installing low-carbon heating to lower the amount of carbon dioxide your home produces."

Prince’s Trust in Wales SPAB Building Limes Forum ASPB
"We work with thousands of young people across Wales each year, providing them with the tools they need to succeed. And with a dedicated centre in the heart of the country, we’re well-placed to meet young people’s needs." "We believe old buildings have a future. From cottages to castles and from churches to cathedrals we are here to help buildings and the people who care for them. Based on years of experience and research we understand how old buildings work." "The Building Limes Forum exists to encourage expertise and understanding in the appropriate use of building limes and education in the standards of production, preparation, application and after-care." "We’re all about the products. The physical stuff we build with. We champion products that are better for us and the environment as well as those companies and organisations prepared to push the boundaries. We seek to support industry to make better decisions and legislators to make better policy. We work from a position of independence from government and from short term commercial interests. We're driven by our mission and our legitimacy flows from our committed and diverse membership.""We’re all about the products. The physical stuff we build with. We champion products that are better for us and the environment as well as those companies and organisations prepared to push the boundaries. We seek to support industry to make better decisions and legislators to make better policy. We work from a position of independence from government and from short term commercial interests. We're driven by our mission and our legitimacy flows from our committed and diverse membership."

Innovation Housing Programme Cynnal Cymru 

Future Generations Commission

Following the successful completion of the LEADER Programme 2007 - 2013, we are now working on Arwain, the new LEADER Programme in Powys 2014-2020.

LEADER uses local knowledge to promote a joined-up "Grass Roots" community-led delivery for rural development.

The One Powys Local Action Group has been formed and submitted a Local Development Strategy to Welsh Government in September 2014. It has been successful in securing £3,750,000 for projects which will create vibrant, empowered and connected local communities, delivering sustainable and innovative solutions to current and future economic, social and environmental issues, to enhance the economic wealth of the County.

"The following guidance is produced to assist applicants submitting bids for funding under the Innovative Housing Programme (IHP), which has been developed to help inform the Welsh Government about the type of homes it should financially support in the future." "Cynnal Cymru – Sustain Wales is the leading organisation for Sustainable Development in Wales. Our mission is to make Wales a low carbon, resource efficient, healthy, just and prosperous society, thriving in balance with the natural ecosystems that support it. We facilitate the talent, skills and innovation of our people through our consultancy services, our events and training. We enable individuals, organisations and businesses in Wales to deliver measurable change and become leaders and pioneers for a better world."

The Well-being of Future Generations Act gives us the ambition, permission and legal obligation to improve our social, cultural, environmental and economic well-being.

The Well-being of Future Generations Act requires public bodies in Wales to think about the long-term impact of their decisions, to work better with people, communities and each other, and to prevent persistent problems such as poverty, health inequalities and climate change.

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