Floor Finishes
The Sublime floor can be finished with a large variety of different floor finishes, different finishes will require different preparation and drying times, please click on the options below for details of each finish ...
Flagstones are one of the oldest floor finishes used for traditional buildings, they are characterised by a large footprint and varying thicknesses from 40mm to above 150mm. Flagstones are mostly used when lifting and relaying the existing floor finish in a refurbishment / renovation project or w......
Natural Stone tiles and Quarry tiles are two of the best finishes for a Limecrete floor as they allow the use of a lime based adhesive which maintains the breathability. These tiles are usually thinner than flagstones (around 8-40mm) and importantly they should have a consistent thickness within ......
For tiles that have very low suction such including porcelain or ceramic tiles, lime-based adhesives are not advised as they can have issues bonding to the surface. In these instances, conventional tile adhesives should be used following the manufacturers recommendations for installation. Most co......
Timber flooring can be used over a limecrete however because timber is very moisture sensitive the main consideration is to ensure the limecrete has dried sufficiently before installing the timber boards. Typically 3 months drying is required in good conditions to ensure the Limecrete moisture co......
With the correct preparation non-breathable finishes can be used over the Limecrete see - What does “Breathable” mean in a Limecrete floor?, this will affect the breathability of the top surface of the Limecrete, however the Glapor and underside of the Limecrete will continue to perfo......
Polished screeds such as Micro-Cement or resin based products are not ideal over a Limecrete floor as they will effectively seal the top surface of the limecrete (Can non-breathable finishes be used over the Sublime Floor?). Whilst not ideal, some projects will have a requirement for these finish......
Conventional tile adhesives are typically cement based and do not provide much, if any, breathability, unfortunately we are not able to review or test all the possible options for adhesives and cannot comment on the performance of adhesives we do not supply. Whilst not breathable these adhesives ......
When installing natural tiles with a lime-based adhesive such as the Adhere Cal or a lime mortar there is no need to install a decoupling membrane. Most lime-based finishes will not bond well to the surface of decoupling membranes so there could be an issue with delamination if one is used, and t......
Often an exposed or polished screed is a desirable finish for projects that are looking for a robust, low maintenance solution that is easy to clean and maintain. Whilst Limecrete has many benefits it may not be suitable for an exposed finish because it is softer than a concrete screed, due to th......